Monday, January 23, 2012

My First Blog Post

Wow.  I can’t really believe I am writing my first blog.  Blogging is something I thought I would never do.  Never say never I guess.  

I guess I should tell you a little about myself and this blog.  My name is Chelsea and I’m currently a college student.  My whole reason for this blog is because of school for my Social Media Strategy class.

Everything to do with fashion I love.  From clothes, to shoes, to new trends, accessories, designers, you name it.   My love for fashion is the reason for the idea behind my blog.   I will talk about anything and everything fashion related in my blog!

Breathe. Live. Fashion. 

Photo Source:


  1. Love the name of your blog! I had a hard time deciding between a fashion blog or a beauty blog, and now I am glad I choose beauty! Can't wait to read all about the latest fashion. I think my beauty blog and your fashion blog may compliment each other nicely!

    1. Thanks! I am excited to read your blog as well! :)
      Hopefully they do compliment each other!

  2. I understand the feeling of never thinking you would write a blog I was there with you. What do you think of the shoe site that sends you choices that fit a profile? Do you think it is a deal or a rip off?

    1. Those sites seem like a really good deal, but I just don't think a website can send me a shoe every month that I really want. I think after a while it could be a rip off because there are other places you may be able to buy the same thing or similar for less or on sale.
